A modular environment for creating customized installation and setup solutions. For developer and administrator information e-mail us at: installer@apple.com. Software By: Paul Westbrook Quality: Jim Fonda, Alex Hamdy, and Diane Peterson Additional Engineering: Kevin Aitken, Guy Fullerton, and Osman Guracar Additional Human Interface: Gordon Meyer and Per Nielsen Project Coordination: Brad Hochberg, Nancy Lammlein, and Dan Wolfe Marketing: Shelia Annis Management: Jean-Pierre Ciudad, Paulien Strijland, and Kevin Tiene Special Thanks: Dave Chilson, Bill Coderre, Mark Cookson, Scott Cutler, Karen Fong, and Chris Hansten Version 1.2 (Mac OS 8.5) Software By: Kevin Aitken and Paul Westbrook Additional Engineering: Mark Day, Deric Horn, and Parviz Sahbaee Additional Quality: Tanya Okmyansky and Rodney Ravenelle Additional Human Interface: Gordon Meyer and Per Nielsen Project Coordination: Cindy Sheldon, Kim Koefoed Vorrath, and Dan Wolfe Marketing: Peter Lowe and David Schmitt Management: Jean-Pierre Ciudad, Paulien Strijland, and Kevin Tiene Special Thanks: Henry Chen, Dave Chilson, Bill Coderre, Mark Cookson, Karen Fong, Chris Hansten, Beverly Harada, and Larry Rosenthal Version 1.1 (Mac OS 8.0) Engineering: Kevin Aitken, Canice Bowe, Siobhan Hearne, and Humphrey Looney Additional Engineering: Don Brady, Jean-Pierre Ciudad, Tony Clancy, Bill Coderre, Deric Horn, Parry Kejriwal, Parviz Sahbaee, and Gary Wilkinson Quality: Oliver Doyle and Paul Westbrook Additional Quality: Tom Allen, Michael Bates, Jerry Burke, Michael Carter, Colette Desmond, Pablo Judd, Cathal O'Donovan, Tanya Okmyansky, Charlotte Ryan, Randy Spickler, and Margaret Street Human Interface: Marsh Chamberlain, Pat Coleman, Don Lindsay, Dave Schroit, and Gordon Meyer Project Coordination: Debra Chapatte, Kirsten Pontarelli, and Kim Koefoed Vorrath Management: Henry Chen, Steven Glass, Beverly Harada, Maura McNamara, Mark Minshull, Ly-Huong Pham, Tim Swihart, and Kevin Tiene Speical Thanks: Tom Clark, Karen Fong, Chris Hansten, and Stuart Yusem Version 1.0 (Mac OS 7.6) Engineering: Kevin Aitken, Jean-Pierre Ciudad, Cheryl Laton, and Parviz Sahbaee Quality: Lisa Lee and Paul Westbrook Human Interface: Marsh Chamberlain, Melanie Feinberg, Kristy Knabe, and Dave Schroit Project Coordination: Debra Chapatte and Kim Koefoed Vorrath Marketing: Bob Filice and Frank Rimalovski Management: Steven Glass, Mark Minshull, and Ly-Huong Pham Special Thanks: Don Brady, Tom Clark, Bill Coderre, Pat Coleman, Parry Kejriwal, Don Lindsay, Jim Palmer, Tim Swihart, and Gary Wilkinson Installer 4.0.3 (System 7.5) Software By: Kevin Aitken and Rob ‘lunatic’ Moore Additional Engineering: Hoon Im, Afshin Jalalian Additional Quality: Matt Ackeret and Margarita Sang Human Interface: Mike Tschudy and Dave Schroit Management: Jaime Cummins, Dave Fylstra, Ron Lichty, Roger Rompot, and Mitch Stein Special Thanks: Giovanni Agnoli, Chris Berarducci, Walt Boring, Jean-Pierre Ciudad, Tom Dowdy, Paul Dumais, Mike Fox, Rich Kubota, Jordan Mattson, and Eric Slosser Installer 3.2 (System 7.0) Engineering: Kevin Aitken, Bobby Carp, Bruce Jones, and Francis Stanbach Quality: Kevin Aitken, Mike Lem, Jim Raymond, and Alex Rosenberg Project Coordination: Brenda Rodgers Marketing: Ken Feehan Management: Shelia Brady and Phac Le Tuan Special Thanks: Darin Adler, Wayne Correia, Chris Derossi, and Owen Rubin Installer 3.0 (System 6.0.4) Brought to you courtesy of: The aunt of the world’s most adorable niece, a cliff-jumping, tree-bashing extreme skier, a reptillian artist collector, a dizzy bit of goat cheese, a pilot, Alan’s dad, Blair’s dad, a party animal, and one most righteous dude.  Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1997-98